
Spring Quarter Snapshot: Undergraduates Continue to Learn Leadership

Students build Lego boats.
The Center for Leadership Learning had to find a way to recreate the lessons found in activities like this Lego competition.

Prior to this quarter, the workshops for future leaders would involve handshakes, laughter and reflective conversations among the undergraduates in attendance on the differences between a group and a team.

Interactive projects like the “Lego challenge,” where teams build the best boat with little instruction and a time limit, taught attendees ways to work together and guide others to success.

Fast forward to now: No gatherings. Swapping Lego bricks? Don’t even think about it. So how could this interactive environment be recreated when attendees and facilitators are spread far and wide?

The solution: . In these bite-sized workshops conducted via Zoom calls — some as short as 15 minutes — students continue to learn and practice leadership skills. “In the same amount of time as one sitting of social media scrolling, you can learn how to manage conflict, lead in groups and more,” the center says on its website.

The workshops are free and open to all undergraduates.

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Simon Santos, Undergraduate Education, sesantos@ucdavis.edu

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