
Faculty Parent Support Group

The demands of parenthood can be overwhelming, and the pandemic has only intensified these challenges. Meet and connect with other faculty parents via Zoom as we share ideas and strategies for engaging in research and writing while parenting. 

Fall 2024 Schedule

Thursday, Oct. 16, 12-1p.m. - "Managing and Understanding Power Struggles" featuring invited speaker Jill Rosenthal, MSW and parenting coach.

  • Power struggles can occur throughout early childhood. They can manifest in a number of ways including brushing teeth, eating, dressing and expressing demands. Rosenthal will discuss ways to deepen your understanding of what your child may be communicating when engaging in these behaviors.

Monday Nov. 23, 12-1p.m. – “This is How We Do It: Strategies to Find Time to Write While Parenting (Without Feeling Guilty)” featuring Emerita Professor Diane Wolf.

  • Having a baby, toddler or young child can consume one’s time just about 24/7.  However, the academic clock does not stop forever and at some point, faculty must get back to our research and writing. For those on the tenure track with a very young child, this poses some serious challenges, especially when child care falls through or the child is ill. Wolf will survey
    faculty and discuss strategies they have found useful when confronting these demands and navigating the guilt often felt when being pulled in many directions.

Wolf, the convener of the Faculty Parent Support Group, is also available for one-on-one confidential consultations. Please contact her at dlwolf@ucdavis.edu.

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